Best housewife business ideas in india

 There are many business ideas which can be started from home and can be done easily by any housewives. if your looking to start your business its great  that you have decided to start your own venture that too from your house.

the best business ideas are as follows:


A woman who’s well versed in any language can start working as a language instructor. Sometimes language instructor is also a need in companies for which they hunt language instructor online. Women can also teach any language online by targeting students who want to learn any particular language or can set up a language institute in home where students from around can come and learn a new language such as English or any special language such as Spanish, French, Japanese or Chinese.

Capital Required- The only investment it will call for is promotional charge of your classes which can cost you somewhere around 2-3,000

Market size- All the people who are willing to learn any new language as nowadays knowing two or more language has become a must. You can receive a large number of investment.

Profit Margin- The margin will be the difference between promotional cost and the fees you’ll charge from the students.

Income- Your income will depend on the number of students enrolling in your classes.


If your hand has magic of taste, this is the best business for you! You can set up an online platform where people can place orders for your tasty pickles and jams and for offline business you can deliver your pickle and jam in around your city. You can prepare special seasonal pickles and jams which will help you hunt more customers.

Capital Required- The investment that will require for this business will be spend on buying jars and other packaging products, ingredients used in jam or pickle, promotion cost and delivery charge. It can be around 25-35000 investment.

Market size- Every household needs pickle and jam. Caterers, office and hostel mess, canteen, restaurants can also order jam and pickle.

Profit Margin – The profit margin will be the difference between the cost of making the pickle and jam and the cost that you’ll charge from your customers per kg or per bottle.

Income- Once you’re able to build a customer base you can easily earn upto 20,000 per month.


You can set up a coaching centre in your home for whatever subject you’re comfortable with. You can fix a particular time and schedule for students and run your coaching institute accordingly.

Capital required- You’ve to buy some study materials such as a board, marker, duster, notebooks, print posters for advertisements and a coaching board for reference. This will call for around 10-15,000 investement.

Market size- There are many children who want to seek extra help from tutors to study. There’s a cut throat competition in market for a coaching institute. You’ve to attract good amount of students to run your classes smoothly.

Profit Margin- The expenditure required to maintain the classes and the fees you’ll charge from the students.

Income- This depends on the number of students who’ll attend your classes and the fees that you’ll charge from the students.


If you’re not comfortable of setting up an institute in home, teaching online is also one of the option that you can follow. There are many online ed-tech platforms such as Vedantu, Unacademy etc that requires teacher to teach from their home and in return they’ll pay you monthly salary. You can even set up a youtube channel for yourself where you can upload the videos of the topics that you want to teach and can conduct live streams for interacting with students.

Capital Required- For this business, you need a good quality smart phone, internet connection, Laptop.

Market size- Internet is mother of opportunities. You can get variety of maximum number of students here.

Profit Margin – The difference between your expenditure of good quality smart phone, internet connection and the salary you’ll receive or the money you’ll make out of your youtube channel and persona online tutor business.

Income- With good amount of views on unacademy and Vedantu, you can earn upto 15,000 INR.


If you believe in nature and natural elements of environment, make herbal soaps out of natural ingredients such as Neem, Aloe Vera, Chandan, etc. This will help you stand out from those soaps which are available in markets. Natural and healthy soaps will help you to find a customer base.

Capital Required- This business will also call for promotional charge such as pamphlets, posters, boards and samples. Materials which will be used for making soap will be the additional expenditure. Initial investment can be around 10-12,000 INR.

Market Size- There are many people who prefer organic and herbal soaps. Promotions will help you gain them.

Profit Margin- The difference between cost of promotion, production and the money that you’ll impose per soap.

Income- With decent amount of customers, you can earn up to 8-10,000 per month.


If you’re good with decoration and creative skills, you can set up this small business of Gift baskets. You can design gift baskets for different occasions which can include some customized gifts, drinks, chocolates and cakes. You can take orders online as well as offline and deliver the gift basket anywhere.

Capital Required- Initial investment will be spent on the materials use for decorating and filling up the basket, shipping cost and promotional cost which can vary somewhere between 15-18,000 INR.

Profit Margin- The difference between cost of production of the basket and the amount you’ll charge from customers.

Market size- On occasions and festivals, the business will see a huge market base and customers lining up. Online market will be more open for you.

Income- Your income will depend on the number of orders you’ll certainly have.


Cooking classes is the best way to turn your passion for cooking into your earning. You just need a kitchen and target students around your locality and city who wants to learn cooking and start teaching them in your free time.

Capital Required- Purchasing all the equipments for the classes and cooking ingredients, promotional charge. Your initial investment can vary from 10,000 to 16,000 INR.

Market size- There will be a huge competition but there are many people who want to learn cooking classes of all the age and of all the genders.

Profit Margin- The difference between the cost of equipments, ingredients and the fees you’ll charge from them.

Income- Income solely depends on the number of students and the fees you’ll levy on them.


If you don’t agree with the idea of setting up a cooking classes at home, you can probably go for online cooking tutorials. Create a facebook, instagram page and a youtube channel where you can upload cooking tutorial videos and attract audience. After which you can also teach cooking on Skype, Zoom and Google meet to different people across the country.

Capital required- For setting up this, you require good quality f smart phone, laptop and internet connection.

Market size- Internet has a huge market size and you can probably get heavy amount of students if you perform your classes and promotion activities religiously.

Profit Margin- The difference between the expense of internet, accessories and the amount you’ll receive based on views and followings.

Income- This depends on number of views, subscriptions, likes and following.


If you’re passionate about Yoga and possess some Yogic skills, becoming a yoga instructor can be suitable for you. You can call your friends, people from around and teach them yoga in morning or evening. You can even teach yoga through online interactive platforms such as Youtube, Skype, Zoom etc.

Capital Required- It calls for no investment, but if you’re willing to promote your classes then a minimal cost of promotion will be required.

Market size- Nowadays, people are very much into health and fitness, so you can expect a good market size.

Income- It solely depends on the number of students and fees structure you’ll issue.


If you’re well versed in vocals and music, this can be the right thing for you! Take singing classes for people of all the age who wants to learn music and vocals and charge fees from them accordingly.

Capital Required- If you’re setting up it in your home, you can expect that the investment will be required for buying musical equipments which can cost upto 10,000 INR.

Market Size- There are so many people out there who wants to learn music but also there is a huge competition in market.

Income- You can expect a decent income out of it if you’re able to hunt decent amount of students- Up to 15,000.


Corporate gifts includes pens, mugs, wallets etc which usually have company’s name and logo imprinted. You can take contract from corporate offices and business and take orders to prepare their gifts. You can arrange someone who can help you make customized gifts with Company’s logo and name and send gifts accordingly.

Capital Required- YFor this, you have to invest money in buying gifts and in customization process. You can expect an initial investment of around 20,000-25,000 INR.

Market Size- There are so many companies and communities in the market which can give you contract.

Income- You can expect income of somewhere around 20,000-40,000 per month as per the contracts and orders you’ll receive.


Chocolate making is one of the fun and enjoyable small businesses that you can set up. You can bake variety of chocolates and sell them in different occasions and can also bake them for parties such as kid’s birthday party, Christmas party, farewell party etc.

Capital Required- The investment will call for spending money on materials required to bake chocolates and packing them which can vary from 2,000-5,000

Market size- Who doesn’t love chocolate? You’ll probably get a good amount of customers but also a good amount of competition.

Income- If everything goes well, you can expect an income up to 8,000 INR.
